IT Ticketing System Description

IT Ticketing System Description

IT Ticketing System Description

The below table is a description for services and requests from IT department 
you can refer back to this table in case you cannot describe your request in ticketing system 

Service Category Description In English Description In Arabic
Account Create Account New Account e.g (Mailbox,MSD,Zoho,...)
Account Email Backup Create a backup copy of the mail  انشاء  نسخه احتياطيه من الميل
Account Email Troubleshoot There is a problem in the Mail  وجود مشكله فى الميل
CCTV DVR Cam Export To export videos from DVR  تفريغ الكاميرات
CCTV DVR Troubleshoot If there is aproblem in DVR  مشكله فى الكاميرات
Documentation SOP If you need steps for how to use any programe  فى حالة طلب  شرح معين لخدمة ما
Hardware Hardware Installation If you need to install new device  تركيب جهاز جديد
Hardware Hardware Troubleshoot If there is a problem in any device  مشكله فى جهاز معين
Hardware Monitor Troubleshoot If there is a problem in monitor  مشكله فى الشاشه
Hardware PC Check If you need to check something in PC  فحص جهاز الكمبيوتر
Hardware PC Troubleshoot If there is a problem in PC  مشكله فى جهاز الكمبيوتر
Hardware Scanner Troubleshoot If there is aproblem in Scanner  مشكله فى الاسكانر
HR System FPR Troubleshoot If there is a problem in download attendance logs  مشكله فى برنامج سحب البصمات
Internet Internet Troubleshoot If there is aproblem in internet  مشكله فى الانترنت
Internet ISP Internet problem If there is aproblem in internet  مشكله فى الانترنت
Internet Network Check If there is aproblem in internal network  مشكله فى الشبكه الدخليه
Internet Open Site If you need to open site عند الحاجة لفتح موقع معين
Internet Router Troubleshoot If there is aproblem in internet router  مشكله فى الراوتر
MSD 365 - ERP MSD Browser Troubleshoot If there is aproblem in Dynamics system in browser  مشكله فى برنامج ميكروسوف فى المتصفح
MSD 365 - ERP MSD Open Permission If you need to open any permissions on dynamics عند الحاجة لفتح صلاحيات معينة ببرنامج Dynamics
MSD 365 - ERP MSD Pos Troubleshoot If there is a problem in point of sale  مشكله فى نقطة البيع فى الفرع
Other Service Meeting Room Prepare to prepare meeting room  تجهيز غرفة الاجتماعات
Power System UPS Installation If you need to install UPS  تركيب جهاز باور
Power System UPS Troubleshoot if there is aproblem in UPS  مشكله فى جهاز الباور
Printing Service Printer Installation If you need to install a printer عند الحاجة لتنصيب طابعة
Printing Service Printer Troubleshoot If there is aproblem in printer  مشكله فى الطابعه
Security kaspersky Open USB To open USB  فتح اليو اس بى لنقل الملفات
Security kaspersky Troubleshoot If there is aproblem in antivirus application  مشكله فى برنامج الكاسبر
Software Software Installation To install new software  تنصيب برنامج جديد
Software Software Troubleshoot If there is aproblem in any software  مشكلة فى برنامج
Software Software Windows Configuration To modify something in windows عند الحاجة لتعديل خصائص نسخة الويندوز
Storage Share Folder Mapping To add a share folder عند الحاجة لاضافة share folder
Storage Storage Troubleshoot If there is aproblem in Share folder  مشكله فى الشير
VoIP Service Phone Check To check IP Phone  فحص التليفون
VoIP Service Phone Installation To install new IP Phone  تركيب تليفون جديد
VoIP Service Phone Troubleshoot If there is aproblem in IP Phone   مشكله فى التليفون
VoIP Service VoIP New Extension To add new Extention on IP Phone  اضافة رقم هاتف جديد
Zoho System Zoho Update To update any data in Zoho  تحديث برنامج ال Zoho
Attendance Attendance Troubleshoot If there is aproblem in attendance machine عند وجود مشكلة بجهاز البصمة

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